«Lezuza Informa» is a communication service, in real time, between the town hall and the neighbours.
By downloading this free application you will be in direct contact with the municipality receiving news, novelties, banners and events that occur in your municipality, regardless of where you are.
Moreover, through this service and thanks to the COMMUNICA! module, you will be able to report incidents, formulate queries and propose new ideas to your town hall. Everything in a simple and intuitive way and with a follow-up of the state of the communications.
More information about ¡COMUNICA!
Enjoy the bandomovil service offered by the town hall of Lezuza, Albacete.
You can also receive municipal information by e-mail:
-=http://www.bandoemail.com/=- Proudly Presents
or via web:
-=http://www.bandomovil.com/lezuza=- Proudly Presents
(For any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact us at soporte@bandomovil.com)
«Lezuza Informa» is a communication service in real time, between the city and neighbors.
Downloading this free application will be in direct contact with the municipality receiving the news and sides and events that occur in your municipality, regardless of where you are.
In addition, through this service and thanks to the module COMMUNICATE! You can report incidents, ask questions and propose new ideas to your local authority. All in a simple and intuitive way and track the status of communications.
More information about COMUNICA !:
Enjoy bandomovil and the service offered by the city of Lezuza, Albacete.
You can also receive municipal information by email:
-=www.bandoemail.com/=- Proudly Presents
or via web:
-=www.bandomovil.com/lezuza=- Proudly Presents
(For any questions or problems, please contact in soporte@bandomovil.com)
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